
National Context

Participation of the Agency for Digital Government (Digg) in the Open Peppol community is focused on the introduction of eInvoicing, eProcurement and the establishment of common infrastructure designed to facilitate cross-border trade.

The EU Directive on eInvoicing in public procurement is implemented into national law for all public organisations since 1st April 2019.

Single Face To Industry (SFTI) is a joint initiative in the Swedish public sector to promote electronic procurement. SFTI recommends the use of the Peppol network for eProcurement, to enable connected buyers and suppliers to easily communicate with each other. The recommendation follows a previous SFTI decision to use Peppol as the messaging standard for electronic catalogue, purchase order, and invoice documents.

About the use of Peppol

The long-term goal of Swedish involvement in Peppol is to:

  • facilitate cross-border electronic trade for both the public and private sectors
  • increase public sector utilisation of eInvoicing and eProcurement using open standards
  • provide technical infrastructure to overcome the barriers that often prevent connectivity today.

Every public organisation is obligated to be registered as an Peppol BIS Billing receiver in Peppol.

Peppol Authority

Digg has the role of a Peppol Authority, which means that it is responsible for the registration of companies that wish to become a Peppol Service Provider. Digg is also responsible for:

  • reporting
  • securing the national interests of Sweden in this context
  • aligning overarching interests in the eBusiness space with other agencies
  • quality assurance of the operators’ services
  • ensuring the long-term adoption of eProcurement, using the Peppol Network as the platform

Use of Peppol in Sweden

The following Peppol components are currently in use in Sweden:

  • Peppol Network
  • eInvoicing
  • eOrdering
  • eCatalogue

There are also older formats in use such as ESAP 6 and a Swedish format for invoicing i.e. Svefaktura. However, Digg, as well as SFTI, is active in communicating and encouraging use of the Peppol infrastructure as the first choice for the public and private sectors.

For the Peppol ID, Digg recommends the company registration number with its prefix for Swedish entities, 0007.  GLN (0088) may be a solution in some cases. 

Digg has no Peppol Authority Specific Requirements for the use of Peppol in Sweden.

Further information

For further information, visit the Peppol Authority web page here: Mandatory e-invoicing in the public sector | Digg

Useful links

Digitalisation in Sweden Start | Digg

Single Face To Industry English pages | SFTI | SKR

Contact and support

General information: eMail: peppol@digg.se

Page last updated: 10th March 2022