New Zealand
National Context
Our vision is for all New Zealand businesses to be digitally enabled and transacting directly with one another in an efficient, automated, and standardised way. We are committed to creating and maintaining a common, internationally compliant eInvoicing approach and a digitally interoperable economic landscape for New Zealand business.
In partnership with Australia, our policy aim is to position New Zealand and Australian businesses for further digitisation of the wider trans-Tasman Procurement landscape. This will be achieved by:
- digital inclusion – to enable easy access to all businesses and digital service providers and aligned to the universally acceptable digital service standards
- open and responsive to change and innovation – ability to respond to changes in a dynamic environment whilst enabling innovation in broader contexts such as procure-to-pay and eDelivery/digital message exchange
- system integrity – trusted and secure
- Government commitment – commitment by governments to deliver an integrated solution across multiple jurisdictions
About the use of Peppol
The national standard for eInvoicing
The adoption of Peppol as the national standard for eInvoicing supports and contributes to the delivery of the New Zealand Government Digital Economy work programme: The programme includes:
- Digital Business – supporting New Zealand businesses to use ICT to raise their productivity and drive innovation across all sectors of the economy
- Digital Government – driving the public sector to use ICT to work more efficiently, make better decisions, create greater value from information, and transform the way services are delivered to businesses and individuals
- Connectivity – enhancing domestic and international connectivity so that New Zealand is a highly connected society
Delivering Government Digital Services
This initiative also aligns with the new Government Digital Strategy for Digital Transformation and Data Standards across government and across the economy.
Alignment with International Digital Economies
Adopting Peppol as the national standard for eInvoicing has allowed New Zealand to join the growing number of countries that are either mandating or introducing interoperability frameworks that cover the whole or part of the procure-to-pay cycle. This is driven by the increased demand for the visibility of supply chain processes by governments and local authorities in the reduction of fraud; reduction of black markets/shadow economies; and increasing the overall integrity and productivity of their economies.
Looking to the future
To maintain business competitiveness and integrity in markets that have implemented interoperability frameworks, New Zealand will progressively implement other components of the Peppol pre-award and post-award document suite as needs dictate, and the market demands.
Peppol Authority
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) s the Peppol Authority in New Zealand. MBIE is New Zealand’s economic development agency responsible for building economic performance to improve the lives and living standards of New Zealanders. MBIE has five strategic outcomes:
- prosperous and adaptable people, sectors, and regions
- people are skilled and engaged in safe and fulfilling work
- informed consumers and businesses interacting with confidence
- value is sustainably derived from the natural environment
- a dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections
The adoption and implementation of eInvoicing and in time, further pre-award and post-award documents fall within strategic driver 5 above.
Use of Peppol in New Zealand
MBIE has defined specific requirements for SPs providing Access Point (AP) or Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) services in New Zealand. These are contained in the Peppol Authority Specific Requirements, which can be found in the Library here.
Further information
Please refer to our dedicated website:
Useful links
Peppol NZ documentation can be found here: GitHub
Our promotional video can be found here: New Zealand e-Invoicing
Contact and support
Craig Smith
Director, New Zealand Peppol Authority
General enquiries and technical information: eMail:
Page last updated: 16 September 2024