National Context
Finland has a long history with eInvoicing as the work to move away from paper-based invoices to electronic formats started in the early 2000s. In 2022, 98 % of all B2G invoices and nearly 90% of all B2B invoices were eInvoices.The future goal for eInvoicing is to drive the adoption of EN16931 compliant invoicing forward. In 2022, 68% of B2G invoices were EN16931 compliant.
Currently, the most used eInvoicing formats in Finland are Finvoice and TEAPPSXML. Peppol BIS Billing is mainly used in cross-border eInvoicing, and the development of PINT is followed with great interest. On the other hand, electronic procurement is still much behind eInvoicing. 11 % of the Finnish organisations are able to receive electronic orders. Some larger organisations have used EDI-based solutions for over two decades for example in the wholesale sector where 32 % of the organisations are able to receive electronic orders. These connections have primarily been one-to-one solutions with their largest suppliers. A single network or agreed format for the data exchange has been missing
About the use of Peppol
In 2022, it was decided that for state-level procurement, Peppol will be the way forward. From April 2024, the Finnish government will require its suppliers to be able to exchange Peppol order and order response messages. The aim is to set an example which the rest of the public sector and private sector will soon follow. The requirement is not written into the law but will be enforced through procurement contracts. For Finland, Peppol offers an excellent way to start digitalising procurement documents. Even if the national eInvoicing initiative has been a success, the consensus is that in procurement, Finnish organisations would prefer to use international standards as the world becomes more global. Finland’s eInvoicing journey has proved how significant a shared vision and cooperation between different parties are for a successful change. Therefore, the Finnish Peppol Authority offers a forum for Service Providers, End Users, and various experts to share ideas and collaborate.
In addition, the Finnish Peppol Authority has established mirror groups for Peppol projects such as Advanced Ordering and Peppol Logistics. The goal is to get the various parties involved in the development of Peppol and to make the voices of the Finnish End Users and Service Providers heard.
Peppol Authority
The State Treasury of Finland became the Finnish Peppol Authority in 2022. The State Treasury is an agency operating under the Ministry of Finance. It is in charge of government borrowing, the investment of cash assets, and government debt risk management. The State Treasury’s values are the common and customer ‘s good and well-being and development. These values guide all State Treasury operations. They are manifested in the decisions, operations, and operating models carried out by the State Treasury, taking the principles of sustainable development into account.
Use of Peppol in Finland
The Finnish Peppol Authority is responsible for running a national Addressing and Capability Lookup service (ACL). Under the Peppol Authority Specific Requirements (PASR) set by the Finnish Peppol Authority, all Finnish public sector organisations using Peppol must be registered with the national ACL service.The Finnish PASR document also includes requirements and recommendations for Identifiers, Security, and Know-Your-Customer.
You can find the full Finnish Peppol Authority Specific Requirements at
Further information
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Contact and support
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Latest updated: 27/06-2023