England NHS
England NHS
Following a period of uncertainty around the Peppol Authority for the NHS in England, this message is intended to clarify the current arrangements.
Responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the Peppol Authority was transferred from the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) to Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL), whilst the formal legal Peppol Authority agreement continues between OpenPeppol and DHSC.
SCCL owns and operates NHS Supply Chain (NHSSC). NHSSC appointed NetEDI as its Peppol-certified Service Provider. NHSSC sends purchase order documents, and receives despatch advice documents and invoice documents across the Peppol Network, via NetEDI, to and from those Peppol-certified Service Providers appointed by the supplier base serving NHSSC.
NHSSC is committed to the use of Peppol business document specifications with its supplier base. It is currently working with NetEDI to ensure that all messages exchanged over the Peppol Network are compliant with the relevant Peppol BIS specifications. All suppliers to NHSSC utilise Peppol to exchange business documents with NHSSC.
NHS bodies and their suppliers that wish to utilise Peppol to exchange messages should select a Peppol SP, who will guide them through the onboarding process. NHS Trusts and their suppliers may wish to conduct a competitive process to select and agree terms with a Peppol SP. A full list of Peppol-certified Service Providers (SPs) can be found on the Peppol website.
All legal agreements between Peppol-certified Service Providers domiciled in the UK are held with OpenPeppol, as the Peppol Coordinating Authority.
All enquiries relating to the use of Peppol by the NHS in England, and by NHSSC, should be directed to Andy Bishop by email to andy.bishop2@supplychain.nhs.uk
All enquiries from current and prospective Peppol SPs in the UK should be directed to OpenPeppol through the Service Desk, which can be accessed via the Peppol website.