
National Context

The Digital Agency, Government of Japan was established in September 2021 and has been leading a Peppol eInvoice initiative in Japan. The initiative is purely aiming to increase the efficiency and productivity of businesses, but is also expected to bring new benefits to the public, including the creation of new business opportunities.

Peppol Authority

The Digital Agency, Government of Japan, is the Peppol Authority in Japan (Japan PA) and sets the Peppol Authority Specific Requirements (PASR) for Peppol-certified Service Providers operating in Japan. The PASR for Japan can be found here.

The Japan PA provides two tracks for its accreditation process to operate as a Peppol-certified Service Provider in Japan, where one track is for service providers based in Japan, and the other track is for international service providers based outside Japan. Both tracks have several steps to be completed and full details can be found in the Guidance Notes.

The Guidance Note for Japanese service providers can be found here.

The Guidance Note for International Service Providers can be found here.

Use of Peppol in Japan

The Japan PA has developed three local eInvoice specifications based on the Peppol PINT methodology. These are:

  1. Standard Invoice JP PINT
  2. JP Self-Billing Invoice
  3. JP Non-tax Invoice

The full specifications can be found here.

The Standard Invoice JP PINT and the JP Self-Billing Invoice are eInvoice specifications for tax-registered businesses in Japan. The JP Non-tax Invoice is an eInvoice specification for non-tax registered businesses (for instance, SMEs) in Japan, and may also apply to international businesses that provide goods or services in Japan.

On 1st September 2023, the Japan PA announced its plan for implementation of the Peppol PINT and Wildcard specifications. The announcement can be found here

Further information

For more information about the Japan PA please visit this page  (*Japanese language only).

Contact and support

Hiroyuki Kato (Mr) – Representative of Japan

Email: JP-Peppol@digital.go.jp

Page last updated: 31st July 2023