Join the global network enabling the frictionless integration of business processes


As a decision-maker in central government or a business federation, here’s how Peppol can benefit you . . .

Adopting Peppol means that there is no need to invent your own standards or buy into proprietary models with high implementation and ongoing costs. Instead, you become part of an established global network, backed by a tried and tested governance structure.

We make it easy for public and private sector organisations to trade electronically. Peppol can be quickly implemented to handle eInvoicing and other business process, and has the potential to exchange any business document.

Plus, our use of open standards and tools means that you are not locked into a high cost, big-brand software ecosystem.

Why peppol?

Domestic standards and closed models hamper interoperability and create unnecessarily high costs for businesses. Peppol avoids this with a proven global solution, utilising open standards (such as ISO/IEC 19485 Universal Business Language), together with strong governance processes.

The adoption of Peppol helps governments to create well-functioning markets, improve business efficiency and encourage competition whilst supporting smaller businesses.

Many European countries have already adopted Peppol and other countries such as Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and, more recently, Japan have chosen Peppol.

Quick Facts:

Peppol is not a portal or a provider of exchange services. Peppol is an enabler. Any organisation can send and receive business documents across the Peppol Network via their chosen Peppol-accredited Service Provider

Trust and membership

OpenPeppol is a non-profit, member-driven organisation responsible for governance of the Peppol Interoperability Framework and growth of Peppol adoption around the world.

Our membership is diverse, consisting of government bodies, together with large and small technology service providers, and increasingly with buyers and suppliers.

The breadth and rapid growth of our membership attests to the resilience and versatility of our model, and to our proven track record. Businesses and governments trust Peppol because we provide a groundbreaking concept, together with the governance and compliance arrangements to make it work.


Our governance model means that every interest group is represented in the decision-making processes. And, because OpenPeppol is a non-profit organisation, our efforts are focused on delivering the best possible solution for all our stakeholders.

Our processes are democratic and transparent, with member organisations responsible for setting the agenda, electing representatives to the governance bodies, and appointing volunteers to participate in development work.

The organisation is supported by an Operating Office that is funded through membership fees.

Quick Facts:

OpenPeppol is a non-profit organisation established in Belgium

Key Benefits

  • Productivity and efficiency

Reduced accounts payable and receivable costs, with lower transactional costs per invoice

  • A non-profit organisation

Peppol is fully focused on the needs of its stakeholders, utilising open source tools to avoid lock in

  • Strong governance

Member-driven, back by legal agreements that provide long-term sustainability

  • Encouraging competition

Helping to level playing fields by giving small businesses access to a global network

  • Resilient and growing

Having moved from a project environment in 2012, Peppol adoption continues around the world

  • Continuous improvement

Peppol has the potential to support the exchange of any business document