Peppol Documentation

Peppol Documentation 

In the sections below you may find all Peppol related documentation concerning both technical specifications, governance and formal documents. If you have trouble finding what you are looking for, try our search function in the top menu og feel free to contact us for support here.

Pre Award relates to the domain of document exchange before an award is given, typically within public tenders. Read more about Pre Award Documentation below.

Pre Award Documentation

Post Award relates to all document exchange after an award is given between public institutions and private organisations, but also relates to document exchange between businesses within trade. To read more click here below.

Post Award Documentation

eDelivery relates to implementation and compliance towards the Peppol Network, for those who want to establish an acces point among others. Read more in the link below.

eDelivery Documentation

In the section of Governance Documentation you may find all relevant documents concerning policies, rules and legislation on the use of Peppol.
Governance Documentation

Working documents are retained in the OpenPeppol Confluence site and have restricted visibility for authorised users from member organisations.

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Formal corporate documentation relating to OpenPeppol AISBL is published in the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, which also provides further links to additional corporate and financial information published in the National Gazette and the Central Balance Sheet Office.

Read Open Peppol AISBL Documentation