We are pleased to advise that OpenPeppol is establishing a pilot to demonstrate that:
- the Peppol eInvoice specifications and
- the Peppol Network,
can be used to meet the expectation of all parties impacted by the Digital Reporting Requirements of the ViDA legislative proposal and the ensuing eInvoicing mandates that have been announced or are expected by most European countries.
The Peppol ViDA pilot is being established as a project with a defined list of participants and is open for participation by European Tax Administrations (EU/EFTA/UK), international organisations such as the EC and OECD, together with OpenPeppol members of all categories.
The options for participation in the pilot are:
- Active Participants will commit to participate in defining requirements, together with reviewing architecture and technical specifications. They can also opt for a possible participation to technical implementation and testing of the defined message flows using the Peppol ViDA test environment
- Non-active Participants will have observer status and will be included in a Reference Group intended for those interested in following the pilot but not willing or able to commit resources to it. The Reference group will be kept informed of progress during each phase of the pilot
Both options are available to the following OpenPeppol member categories:
- Peppol Authorities
- Service Providers
- End Users (acting as business users of the Peppol Network)
Other End User members and Observers of the OpenPeppol AISBL can only participate in the Reference Group.
Ten Tax Administrations have already confirmed their intention to participate in the pilot and we expect further confirmations in the coming days. We are not yet able to name the participating Tax Administrations but will do so as soon as they give us the permission. Tax Administrations that opt to become Active Participants will be named as part of the project group.
Further details of the pilot are contained in the Concept Paper attached.
If you would like to participate, please email your confirmation by Friday, 25th October 2024 to vidapilot@peppol.eu indicating whether you wish to actively participate in the pilot, or whether you wish to follow progress as part of the Reference Group.