2021 Elections in the OpenPeppol Communities
OpenPeppol hereby launches the election process for the OpenPeppol Communities governance positions which are open in 2021.
Voting will take place by email only, by using the respective Voting Ballot.
Due to some uncertainty about the members’ perception of when the voting period was due to end, the Election Committee decided the deadline to be extended until Friday, June 11th, 2021, 17:00 CEST
The open positions per Community are:
Peppol Authority Community (PAC)
- Peppol Authority representatives to the Agreements, Policies and Procedures Change Management Board (APP CMB).
Please find more details at:
Each Member of PAC should cast only one ballot.
You can find the Voting Ballot here: 2021 PAC Elections Ballot_PUBLISHED_20210526
Service Provider Community (SPC)
- Community Leader
- Service Provider representatives to the Agreements, Policies and Procedures Change Management Board (APP CMB).
Please find more details at:
Each Member of SPC should cast only one ballot.
You can find the Voting Ballot here: 2021 SPC Elections Ballot_PUBLISHED_20210526
End User Community (EUC)
- Community Leader
Please find more details at:
Each Member of EUC should cast only one ballot.
You can find the Voting Ballot here: 2021 EUC Elections Ballot_PUBLISHED_20210526
eDelivery Community (eDEC)
- Members to the eDelivery Community Change Management Board
Please find more details at:
Each Member of eDEC should cast only one ballot.
You can find the Voting Ballot here: 2021 eDEC Elections Ballot_PUBLISHED_20210526
Post-Award Community (PoAC)
- Members to the Post-Award Community Change Management Board
Please find more details at:
Each Member of PoAC should cast only one ballot.
You can find the Voting Ballot here: 2021 PoAC Elections Ballot_PUBLISHED_20210526