2020 Elections to the Post-Award Community Change Management Board
OpenPeppol hereby launches the process to elect new members to the Post Award Community Change Management Board. All Post-Award Community members are expected to participate and cast their vote.
A. Open Positions and Candidates
There are two (2) open positions in 2020, both for 2-year terms.
There are three (3) candidates for these positions (in alphabetical order):
- Ahti Allikas, OpusCapita Solutions OY
- Simon Foster, Storecove (Datajust BV)
- Jan Mærøe, Digdir (former Difi)
You can find the CVs and motivation letters of the candidates here:
B. How to Vote
Voting will be made by completing the Voting Ballot and sending it by email to
You can find the Voting Ballot here: 2020 PoAC CMB Elections Ballot_2020.03.03
Member organisations are responsible for authorising only one representative to vote on their behalf. Upon receipt of a vote by email, OpenPeppol will assume that the Member representative who sent it has been authorised by the Member organisation to do so. It is under the responsibility of Member organisations to have evidence of such authorisation and provide it if upon request, if needed.
Only one candidate should be chosen in a ballot, otherwise the vote is invalid and will not be counted.
Please note that elections for the Post Award Community Change Management Board takes place only by email and not at the 12th General Assembly.
Deadline for submitting your vote: March 23rd, 2020
Votes will be counted in confidentiality.
If there are any questions, please contact us at openpeppol@peppol.eu